Parent Child Therapy Services

In the early years, there are BIG emotions.

I am here to empower you to feel confident in your parenting, support your child's social and emotional learning while your family finds some ease in the what is often times chaos.

We have found that working with both the parent and child at the same time (versus individual therapy) is the most effective and healing path in supporting families with young children.

I use parent child therapy modalities with parents and their babies (yes, babies!) and children up to age 6! Learn more about Baby Cues, Promoting First Relationships & Parent Child therapy below!

Curious if it would be a good fit for you?

Let's schedule your initial FREE consult call.

selective focus photo of woman lifting child during daytime
selective focus photo of woman lifting child during daytime
Together let's nurture positive, healthy & fulfilling interactions between caregivers & children everyday.

FAQ's for Parent Child Therapy

Why choose parent child therapy?

Similar to a family therapy model, I am better able to support you in real life dynamics versus if we were one on one. Like when your baby is crying nonstop or your 5 year old is in an argument battle over not wanting to put on their pajamas. Instead of talking hypothetically about these situations, we get to find solutions as well as strengths together, in the moment.

We also have lots of research showing us how powerful and effective parent child therapy is especially during the early childhood years. Supporting you as a parent so you can support your children.

How do I know if parent child therapy would benefit me?

Parent Child Therapy can be helpful for many reasons but here are a few I see often:

  • Routines at home aren't going as smooth as you'd hope

  • Struggling to know what to do when your child has big emotions or big behaviors

  • Your child has great difficulty separating from you

  • Communication is difficult (i.e. yelling, arguing, etc)

  • You don't often enjoy being around your child

What is the main goal of parent child therapy?

In short, improving parent child interactions to promote whole family wellness & more ease in your day to day.

Together during Parent Child Sessions we address:

  • Promoting healthy attachment & positive interactions

  • Managing challenging behaviors

  • Improving communication & cooperation

  • Working through big feelings together

  • Develop emotional regulation skills

  • Reduce caregiver's stress in parenting

person wearing silver ring and green manicure
person wearing silver ring and green manicure

Promoting First Relationships

Promoting First Relationships (PFR) is an evidenced based curriculum I use which helps caregivers meet the social and emotional needs of young children. As we use the PFR curriculum you will gain strategies and knowledge in building nurturing and responsive relationships with children (ages 0-5)

Baby Cues- A Child's First Language

I walk with parents through "Baby Cues- A Child's First Language" to supports caregivers in gaining confidence, enhancing their relationship with the baby or young child by learning how to read and respond to your baby's cues.

Moms & Babies/Toddlers Support